Answered By: Web Services
Last Updated: Apr 28, 2021     Views: 601

You are correct! There are changes occurring in the catalog every few weeks. We will work to ensure that the last two months of major changes are listed here for your convenience. 

Bibliocommons, the vendor for the catalog, works hard to provide improvement based on user feedback. Below are the latest updates:


March/April 2021

Announcement: Full Launch of the Bib Page v2

From May 11, we will begin fully launching libraries on the Bib Page v2. On that date, the Bib Page v2 (currently in preview in your BiblioCore catalog) will become the only Bib Page experience for all users.

The change will be made before branches open on the morning of the date indicated in this article: Bib Page v2: Full Launch Cohorts. Check it out to see when your library will be launching Bib Page v2. 

Bib Page v2 Updates

This release continues to add new functionality to the Bib Page v2 that's in preview for all libraries.

View All From NoveList

To provide further discovery pathways and access to all content provided by NoveList, a View all from NoveList link will now display in the Explore further section, under the More about this title heading.


Clicking the View all from NoveList link will open the NoveList integration in an overlay.



Content from NoveList is also displayed on the Bib Page itself, including recommendations, titles in the same series, and similar authors.


Add to Existing List

Users can now add to a list they've previously created, as well as creating a new list.

The Add to existing list action is now included in the Add to list dropdown. This is displayed in the More from the community section, under the Community lists featuring this title heading.




Clicking the Add to existing list menu option will open the Add to list overlay.



The Add to list overlay has two tabs: My draft lists and My published lists. Lists are ordered by the most recent updated date, and displayed 10 per page.

From the overlay, users can add an item to an unpublished draft list, or add an item to a currently published list by creating a draft.


Suitability Contribution Content Indicator

To help users identify age suitability or content notices applied to a title, these are now highlighted in the Suitability tab under the Community contributions heading.




If a title has an age suitability rating this is displayed next to the tab label. 

If a title doesn't have an age suitability rating but has content notices, the total number of content notices is displayed.


Accessibility Enhancements

Accessibility enhancements have been made on the following areas of the page:

  • Format Chooser
  • Community Contributed Content workflows
  • Dropdown menus
  • Availability panel
  • List cards
  • Read more/Read less links
  • Back to links on subpages


  • Subscription information wasn't available for continuing resources that didn't have item records.
  • Line breaks were not displaying on some community-contributed content.
  • The All reviews page wasn't displaying the total number of reviews.
  • The NoveList attribution was not displaying under the Similar authors heading.
  • Users on Safari may have been seeing an error feedback notification message when moving between pages. This had no impact on the functionality of the pages but was alarming for users. The notification no longer displays.

Updates to the User Rating Control

To prevent users on mobile devices from accidentally rating titles, improve the accessibility of the interaction, and align with the Bib Page v2, the act of rating a title from Search, Borrowing Pages, and Shelves is now a two step process.

Users will now see a Rate this dropdown in place of the previous rating stars.


Clicking the dropdown will display a menu containing the rating options available to them.


After rating a title, the stars will update to reflect the user's rating, and the label will change to Your rating.

Users can remove their rating by opening the menu and selecting No rating.

Updates to BiblioCore Language Selector

Updates have been made to the BiblioCore Language Chooser for libraries that offer additional languages.

This change also resolves a previously identified bug where users were seeing a JSON code response rather than a language selector.With this update, selecting a language is no longer available from the BiblioCore footer as it is now always available from the site header.

Improved Support for OverDrive Magazines

This release includes changes to better support OverDrive magazines

Responding to recent changes to the OverDrive API, users can now check out the most recent edition of a magazine from BiblioCore. This is done through the Check out action in the same way other OverDrive titles are checked out.


After being checked out, users can view the current issue using the Read in browser link. When completed, a title can be returned using the Return link.

On a user's Checked Out page, the issue checked out to the user will display in the Volume field.


If a user checks out a back issue from a library's OverDrive directly, these will also display on a user's Checked Out page.

The ability to check out OverDrive magazine back issues will be included in a future BiblioCore release.

Language Translations

  • Translations for all eight languages have been revised and updated.

Other Improvements

  • The 'X people waiting' message displayed for checked-out items will now only display when a title doesn't have available copies.
  • Text used on transaction buttons have been updated to align with the Bib Page v2

Bug Fixes

  • Buttons on the Fees page were not localized. These will now display in the user's selected language.
  • The name of bibliotheca's cloudLibrary was displaying as 'MMM' in some digital hold and checkout workflows. This now displays as cloudLibrary.
  • The 'Paused from' date remained on display after a user resumed a hold. This no longer displays.
  • In some cases, users were unable to save searches titled with Non-Roman character sets. 
  • Users on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox were unable to advance carousels in BiblioCore to the next or previous page. This has been fixed.
  • Feedback notification messages on BiblioCore v2 pages (toast notifications) were not always being read by screen readers. This has been fixed.
  • The link to Saved searches was not appearing on BiblioApps. This is displayed to users again.
  • The link to Suggested Purchases was displaying an 'Edit' call to action rather than 'View'. It now says View.
  • For libraries with BiblioFines, pressing 'Cancel' would return the user to the Recent Activity page rather than the Fees page.
  • Some libraries were experiencing issues with Personalized Lists. This issue was resolved in the prior BiblioCore release but was not included in the Release Notes. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. This feature is now working as expected. 

January/February 2021

Bib Page v2

This release continues to add new functionality to the Bib Page v2 that's in preview for most libraries.

Related Titles

This release includes the Related titles display on the Bib Page v2. This uses metadata about the title a user is viewing to determine other alike titles in a library’s collections.


While some resources are well served by recommendation providers such as NoveList, many titles in a library's collection often go without such recommendations. This is despite there being many relationships and metadata available to make connections between resources.


Up to five titles will display in the Explore further section under the Related titles heading.

More details are available in the Bib Page v2: Related Titles article.

Add to List

To make it easier for library staff to add titles to a list, users who have the Library Staff role will now see the Add to list dropdown in the transact panel.

mceclip0.png The Add to list dropdown will display under the Add to shelf/On a shelf button in the transact panel.

The Add to list functionality is also displayed in the More from the community section, under the Community lists featuring this title heading.

Presently, users can only add a title to a new list. The ability for users to add a title to an existing list is coming in the next BiblioCore release.


Accessibility Updates

  • Content of the page has been moved to a section tag
  • The summary of a title displayed on modals and overlays has simpler keyboard interactions for screen readers
  • Focus management of the community contributed content editors has been improved
  • Screen reader text for aggregate rating, and for the user rating control has been improved

Bug Fixes

  • Pages printed from the 'Print view' pages on Search and Borrowing Pages were using an excessively large template. This has been corrected.
  • Community-contributed content that included long strings of characters was not wrapping as expected. They now wrap correctly.
  • List titles that included long strings of characters were not wrapping as expected. They now wrap correctly.
  • The NoveList attribution was missing from the Similar authors display. The attribution now displays correctly. 


December 2020

Bib Page v2 Improvements

This release continues to add new functionality to the Bib Page v2 that's in preview for most libraries.

More From the Community Updates

The following updates have been made to the More from the community section of the Bib Page v2.

See Bib Page v2: More From the Community to learn more.


Display of all 'Videos' in the Community contributions section. 


Users can click View all videos to see all videos users have contributed to the title. 

Users can click Add video on the All videos page or the Videos tab to contribute their own video. 

If a user has already added a video, a 'You' tag will display beside the video and the Add video button will not appear. Users are limited to adding one video to a title. 



'Age suitability' and 'Content notices' now display under the Suitability tab in the Community contributions section.

Users can view the average rating based on contributions from other users, view any content notices users have added, and add they own age rating. 


Community Lists

Lists created by community members now display under the Community lists featuring this title heading.  


Users can click View all community lists to see all community lists featuring the title. 

They can also click Add to list to add the title to a new list. 


The ability for users to add a title to an existing list is coming in the next BiblioCore release


Online Resources

This release includes improvements to the display of electronic holdings links for online resources.


For online resources that include more than one electronic holdings link, these will now display in the transact panel under the Online resourceheading.

Up to three electronic holdings links will be displayed before a 'Show more' button is displayed.

mceclip2.png For resources that include electronic holdings links to electronic versions of the resource, these will also display under the Online resource heading along with the physical holdings information.

Electronic holdings links to related online resources were included in the BiblioCore 8.34 release. These display under the Online resources heading in the Explore further section.


Learn more about Electronic Resources in BiblioCore.


Other Bib Page v2 Updates

Improvements have been made to how the availability of online resources under perpetual license are displayed.

mceclip3.png The phrase This title is always available will display in the transact panel when a title is always available for users to check out.

Accessibility Updates

  • The actions menu for community-contributed content now includes appropriate screen reader text
  • Screenreader text for the 'Rate this' user rating dropdown has been made clearer

Bug Fixes

Titles in the same series on Bib Page v2

  • Some titles in a series were not displaying for some titles, even though they belonged to a library's collection.
  • In some cases, titles in the same series were displaying in the 'titles in the same series' overlay, but not on the bib page itself.


  • Cover images on the All recommendations page were misaligned in some cases. These are now aligned.
  • When viewed in BiblioApps, the On Hold and Checked Out pages were not always displaying all items. This has been fixed.
  • On the Borrowing Page, the number of items in each category was not always updating in the borrowing navigation summary. These now update correctly.


November 2020

No new feature or bug fixes..


October 2020

Bib Page v2 Improvements

This release continues to add new functionality to the Bib Page v2 that's in preview at some libraries.

  • For libraries with a NoveList subscription, volume labels now appear for titles in the same series. This will display on the Bib Page, and in the In the same series overlay.

  • The All recommendations page now displays up to 25 recommended titles. 
  • The Suggest for purchase action will display in the transact panel for libraries that link to a suggestion form on their own website. (If your library uses BiblioSuggest or the basic BiblioCore suggestion form, this functionality will be included in a future BiblioCore release.)


  • Visual and accessibility improvements have been made to recommended titles displayed under the You may also like heading. If no cover image is available for a title, users will see the title and author of the recommendation. These metadata will also display when users hover or move keyboard focus to these titles. 
  • Visual and accessibility improvements have been made to the tab components used on the Bib Page v2.
  • Based on library feedback, we have removed the total copy count display in the availability panel when a title is on order. When a title is on order, the availability panel will only display the number of copies on order, and people on hold.


  • When adding a title to a shelf, or when adding community-contributed content to a title, a Privacy settings button will display along with the feedback message.

    Clicking the Privacy settings button will provide the user control over whether the title on their shelf is shared with the community or is private to them. This functionality is also available from the On your shelf menu. 

  • For libraries that have Google Book Preview enabled, the preview displays below the cover image of a title. This is displayed in the Read an excerpt overlay. 


  • Links to related resources now display in the Explore further section under the Online resourcesheading. Learn more about Electronic Resources in BiblioCore
  • Improvements have been made to the print styling of the Bib Page v2. Users can print the page by using their browser's standard print functionality (typically File > Print). As well as content on the Bib Page v2 itself, users can also print content displayed in overlays. For example, Availability details and the Full details record.
  • Edition statements will now display underneath the title and author in the following cases:
    • When the format of the title is CD-ROM or DVD-ROM or Video Game.
    • When there is more than one manifestation of the same format grouped together (learn more about Grouped Search.)

Bug fixes in both BibPage V2 and in BiblioCore.


September 2020

Bib Page v2 Improvements

This release continues to add new functionality to the Bib Page v2 that's in preview at some libraries.

  • Users can access other editions of the same work from the format chooser.


    A dropdown will display when other editions are available for the same format. 


    See Grouped Search: How Does It Work? to learn more about how titles are grouped.

    See Grouped Search: Format Chooser to learn how the format chooser works. 
  • The Original record (MARC view) page is complete and can be viewed by clicking the Original record link under at the bottom of the Full details overlay. 


    When logged in with an account with the library staff role, the Original record link will display in the About-Details section of the Bib Page v2.
  • An 'Availability cannot be determined’ message now displays in the transact panel when the availability of a title cannot be determined from a digital provider or the ILS. 

  • Users can now View all recommendations from the You may also like section of Bib Page v2.  See Bib Page v2: Explore - Recommendations to learn more.

  • The cover image placeholder for items with no cover image has been refined and updated.
  • Feedback messages will now be displayed when users perform the following actions
    • Adding, changing, or removing a rating
    • Adding, moving, or removing a title on their shelves
    • Making a title on their shelves public or private
    • Adding, updating, or deleting community contributed content
  • Styling of system messages has been updated inline with the Bib Page v2. 

  • Accessibility improvements have been made to further optimize screen reader performance of Bib Page v2. 
  • For libraries that have Stack Map enabled, a Shelf map link will display in the Availability display when collection information is visible. 

  • Meta elements have been added to the Bib Page v2.

Bib Page v2 Bug Fixes 

  • Availability details for Bib Page v2 were not displaying correctly for some users.
  • Some electronic resources were displaying the 'ILS offline' message when the ILS was not offline. 
  • Some page headings were wrapping inconsistently. 
  • User accounts that are unable to borrow from digital integrations (such as OverDrive) were seeing a generic error message, rather than the message from the provider.
  • The trademark symbol for cloudLibrary was not displaying as expected.
  • Some users were unable to place item-level holds from on Safari from iOS devices.
  • The 'Hide item details for electronic resources' setting is now being respected.
  • Progress bars were not displaying when paginating on the 'All lists' page.
  • The option to Download an OverDrive or Axis 360 title was displaying even when it was only available to read in a browser.
  • Vernacular metadata (metadata provided from 880 fields) were incorrectly displaying on new lines.

Accessibility Improvements 

In some cases, the 'Skip to content' skip link was not working as expected. Users now land on the page content after using the skip link.

General Bug Fixes 

  • When navigating from the search results page to Bib Page v1, some users were seeing a 'Back to dashboard' link instead of the expected 'Back to search' link. 
  • Some libraries were seeing an option to select 'Reader' from the Show message in dropdown list when creating a system message. This option has been removed. 
  • When trying to disable a column in the Navigation header, some libraries were unable to remove the column from displaying. 
  • Users of Internet Explorer 11 were getting 0 search results when selecting the 'View all formats and editions' link on Bib Page v1.
  • Data in the BiblioSuggest report downloads were not displaying in the correct columns for some users.
  • Stack Map was not displaying on Bib Page v1 for some libraries. 
  • The 'Available by request' status was displaying with the orange text color. It is now displaying in green.
  • For libraries with the iDreamBooks add-on in BiblioCore, users on newer versions of Safari may have been alerted that BiblioCore pages were not secure. This was caused by the iDreamBooks integration still using TLS 1.1. Users should no longer see this message as requests are now being made server-side.


August 2020

No new feature or bug fixes.


July 2020

Bib Page v2 Improvements

  • The number of contributions for community-created content now appears on the tabs in the More from the community section.

  • In some instances, the Read an excerpt overlay was displaying HTML markup. It is now displaying formatted text.


June 2020

No new feature or bug fixes.


May 2020

Bib Page v2 Updates

This release continues to add new functionality to the Bib Page v2 that is currently in preview for some libraries. Additions include:

  • Display of 'View all lists' from the Explore further section of Bib Page v2.  See Bib Page v2: Explore - Staff Lists to learn more.
  • Display of 'View all reviews' from the Opinion section of Bib Page v2.  See Bib Page v2: Opinion Section to learn more.
  • Liking and unliking of community and staff created comments in the Opinion section, with the total number of likes displaying beside the comment. See Bib Page v2: Opinion Section to learn more.
  • Display of a 'Private' indicator beside a logged-in user's community-created content if the item on their shelf is marked as private. See Bib Page v2: Opinion Section to learn more. 
  • A message displays in the Transact panel when BiblioCore is unable to retrieve realtime availability from the ILS.

March/April 2020

March update contained only bug fixes.

April update introduced Prioritizing Titles Users Can Access Online in Search Results in an effort to support the shift to providing primarily digital content due to library closures to the public because of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 virus pandemic:

"To better support users searching their library catalog while physical collections are inaccessible, we have introduced a feature that will prioritize the display of titles a user can access online in search results.

Enabling this feature will apply the Access online filter to a user's search automatically, giving them immediate visibility of titles they're able to borrow online."


"With this feature enabled, the Titles I can... filter group will also appear above the Available now filter group.

If users would prefer to see the full set of results for their search, they can remove the 'Access online' filter as they would usually, by deselecting it from the left-hand filters or removing it using the active filter capsule. Users can also continue to refine their search as they would usually, by applying and deselecting filters."

January/February 2020

No new features - only bug fixes.

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