Internet Filtering
In 2013, the San Antonio Public Library Board voted to comply with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). As a result, filters have been installed on all Library computers with access to the internet in a good faith effort to block visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors. The Library Board reaffirms the right of patrons to access constitutionally-protected material, and the Library has taken on the implementation of filters with great caution and concern.
Content vs Malware
Filtering software blocks both on the basis of malware, software that is intended to damage/disable computers; and content, the information made available by the website.
Unfiltered Access
Each library has a designated laptop that will allow unfiltered access to adults (age 18 or older) who need to access a blocked site in order to conduct bona fide research or any other lawful purpose. Patrons must follow the Library’s policies for checking out laptops and must comply with the Library’s Public Use of the Internet Policy. If a patron is ineligible to checkout a laptop, Library staff will attempt to satisfy the information need through other websites, print resources, etc.
Requests to Review for Content or Malware
If you believe a website is being blocked or not blocked incorrectly, please submit an Internet Content and Malware Review Request form. The Library will review all requests and take appropriate action where necessary.
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