Answered By: SAPL FAQs
Last Updated: Jul 06, 2016     Views: 792

The best way to search for both author and title is to use a basic search and input both the author and title as search terms. For example, to search for the book 1st to Die by James Patterson, you could use the following search terms: 

1st to die patterson, james

The search results for these terms include all types (book, audiobook, etc.) of the correct item, but they also include a few other books in the series. If you wish to be as specific as possible, you can specify the author and the title by using a: (for Author) and t: (for Title) with your search terms. Such a search would look like this:

t:1st to die a:patterson, james

The search results for these terms will only match items with the title "1st to die" and the author "patterson, james"

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