Are you a San Antonio Public Library patron?
If yes, a TexShare card issued by us entitles you to borrow materials from other libraries participating in the TexShare program. All TexShare libraries establish their own policies regarding the use of their materials through the TexShare program.
Were you issued a TexShare card by another library?
If yes, please read below for TexShare borrowing privileges at SAPL.
Checking Out Materials
Loan Periods
Books, audiobooks, DVDs, Blu-rays, CDs, vinyl records, and magazines renew automatically for five additional loan periods with the following exceptions:
Print Documents & Reserve Meeting Rooms with payment of applicable fees.
TexShare borrowing privileges will be denied if TexShare patrons have accrued fees exceeding $15.00.
TexShare patrons are required to renew their cards on an annual basis.
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