To cancel one hold, click on the "•••" to the right of the item you wish to cancel and then choose the “Cancel Hold” option. At this point you will be offered the opportunity to add the title to your "For Later" shelf for future easy reference; this is not required.
Click the "Yes, Cancel Hold" button to cancel the hold, or the "No, Go Back" option if you have changed your mind, or if you chose "Cancel Hold" in error.
To cancel multiple holds or all holds, click the check boxes next to the items you want to cancel, or the "Select X Items, at the top of the list for all items; a "Manage Items" option will appear at the bottom of the screen. Click "Manage Items" and choose the "Cancel Holds" option. You will be taken to a page to confirm your choice. You, again, have the option here to add the titles to your "For Later" shelf for future reference. Again, this is not required.
Click the "Yes, Cancel Holds" option to cancel the selected holds, or the "No, Go Back" option if you have changed your mind.