The Interlibrary Loan Service (ILL) allows San Antonio Public Library cardholders to request books, articles, books-on-tape, microfilm, and other materials.
Please check the library catalog before requesting materials through ILL. Requests for items owned by San Antonio Public Library will be cancelled even if the material is available for library-use only.
These materials are borrowed from libraries inside and outside of Texas, within the United States. It may take from 2 to 12 weeks to obtain the materials. You may place an ILL request in person at any location or at the Central Library; by calling 210-207-2500. You can also request items by using the Texas Group Catalog. Find the item you would like to request and then click on the "Request Item" link listed next to that item.
ILL is a free service for customers with a valid library card. You will not be able to place an ILL request if you have overdue items or unpaid fines.
Materials not available through ILL:
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